Time and again the leading institutions of the state have shown their profound interest in bestowing their confidence upon us and never have we ever let them down of their expectations.

Current Shareholders

Currently, Board of Directors of IPDC has 09 members, 2 from GOB, 1 from BRAC, 1 from Ayesha Abed Foundation, 4 Independent and Managing Director as (Ex-officio).

Shareholding structure as on June 30, 2024

Authorised Capital (Tk.) : 8,000,000,000
Total paid-up capital (Tk.) : 3,896,461,240.00
Total Number of shares :     389,646,124
SL No. Name of Sponsor No. of Shares % of paid-up capital
1 The Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) 85,252,870 21.8796%
2 BRAC 97,411,527 25.0000%
3 Ayesha Abed Foundation 38,964,609 10.0000%
4 Bluechip Securities Limited 31,322,752 8.0388%
5 Institutions 55,301,399 14.1927%
6 Foreign  333,074 0.0855%
7 General Public  81,059,893 20.8035%
  Total Shares 389,646,124 100.000%